# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Assimilation of measured phase : Kalman Filter for (synthetic) INSAR data
#Date : February 2018
#Author : Manon Dalaison & Romain Jolivet
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import operator
import os #using operating system dependent functionality.
import h5py
import time as TIME
# Local stuff
#import insar_fct
#from timefunction import TimeFct
# A class for the Kalman filter
[docs]class Kalman(object):
def __init__(self, data, fctmod, j=0, i=0, verbose=True):
Class for a Kalman filter for an InSAR time series analysis
Initialize the object
* data : object
observations/measurements in class from readimput_mpi.py
* fctmod : object
functional model in class from timefunction.py
* j,i : integers
indexes for 2-D image used for storage
* verbose : boolean
print stuffs
self.verbose = verbose
### Extract model from class
self.modelobj = fctmod
self.model = fctmod.model
self.L = fctmod.L
### Store essential information
#self.dataobj = data
self.data = data.igram[:,j,i]
self.t = data.time
self.link = data.links[:]
self.Rdat = data.R
self.link[:,0] = 0
# For 2D store index of pixels
self.xi = i
self.yi = data.miny +j
self.rank = data.rank
assert (np.shape(self.link)[0] == np.shape(data.igram[:,j,i])[-1]), 'rows of links should correspond to numb of interfero'
[docs] def restart_from_file(self,fin,pasttime,indxs):
Extract initial condition from OPENED infile (fin) which stores previously
computed mk and Pk for all pixels including pixel[i,j]
* fin : object
opened H5 file containing formely computed state
* pasttime : array
already loaded time array in fin
* indxs : array
already loaded index array
i = self.xi
j = self.yi
# Load Previously computed state
self.m = fin['state'][j,i,:] #3D (y,x,m)
self.P = fin['state_cov'][j,i,:,:] #3D (y,x,P)
# Keep strack of where we are with respect to first data of time series
self.m_indxs = indxs #indexes of phases in m after prediction phase
self.t = np.concatenate((pasttime,self.t))
self.t = np.unique(self.t)
if len(self.modelobj.t) < len(self.t):
self.modelobj.t = self.t
self.phases = [] #phases already computed
self.std = [] #std of phases already computed
# Check consistency
len_m0 = self.m.shape[-1] -len(pasttime) #number of parameters in the m stored, define initial model
self.Lref = self.L #max number of parameters as predicted by the model
if np.shape(self.link)[1] != len(self.t):
#WARNING: columns of links and time must be of same length, modify links
self.link = self.link[:,-len(self.t):]
[docs] def start_new(self,m0, P0):
Start from skratches
* m0 : 1D array (N)
Initial Model. The length of the vector will determine how many
element of the model will be kept (in the order given in the model vector)
* P0 : 2D array (N,N)
Initial Covariance
self.m = np.concatenate((m0,[0.0])) #first phase fixed to zero
self.P = P0
self.m_indxs = [0] #indexes of phases in m after prediction phase
self.phases = [] #store phases that converged and removed from m
self.std = [] #std of phases already computed
self.Lref = self.L #max number of model parameters (take it from TimeFct)
assert (np.shape(self.link)[1] == len(self.t)), 'columns of links and time must be of same length'
[docs] def get_model_from_num_of_param(self,N):
Truncate model if the number of parameters in the input (N)
is smaller than the maximum number of parameters as predicted
by the initial functional model (self.Lref).
N (or equivalently self.L) may increase with latter iterations'''
assert N <= self.Lref, 'number of apriori parameters greater than what model predicts'
if N < self.Lref:
print('Truncate model')
self.mod = self.modelobj.cut_model(N) #new truncated model (list of tuples)
#new self.L defined as N
[docs] def create_Q(self, m_err, phi_err, add_err, M):
Create process covariance Q from uncertainty on model (m_err)
and interferograms (phi_err) at kth time.
* m_err : float or an array of length L
model uncertainty
* phi_err : float
systematic error on phases (should be zero)
* add_err : float
systematic error on last forecast (square of std of mismodeling)
* M : integer
the state vector length
L = self.L
if (isinstance(m_err,float) or isinstance(m_err,int)) : #check if float or int
self.Q = np.concatenate((m_err*np.eye(M+1)[:L],phi_err*np.eye(M+1)[L:]))
elif len(m_err) >= L :
Q1 = np.hstack((np.diag(m_err[:L]),np.zeros((L,M+1-L))))
self.Q = np.concatenate((Q1,phi_err*np.eye(M+1)[L:]))
else :
assert False, 'format m_err not understood'
if M >= L+1 : #not first iteration
self.Q[-1,-1] = add_err #large error associated to last a priori value
[docs] def create_H_R_and_D(self, k, indxs):
Produce the measurement vector (D), the measurement matrix (H), and
the measurement covariance matrix (R) at a specific timestep (0≤ k <N)
--> if len(D)=n for this timestep, then H will be (n x (L+k+1)) and R (n x n)
* k : integer
itteration number
* indx : integer
indexes (with respect to t0) of phases in self.m[L:]
# last_column is 1 when youngest-oldest or -1 when oldest-youngest
last_column = self.link[:,-1][np.nonzero(self.link[:,-1])][-1]
# find interferograms for time k (line of links) involving past dates only !
ind_interf = np.array([i for i,hh in enumerate(self.link[:,k]) if hh== last_column])
#check for NaN in D[ind_interf]
if len(ind_interf)> 0 :
mask_nan = np.isnan(self.data[ind_interf])
ind_interf = ind_interf[np.invert(mask_nan)]
if len(ind_interf)> 0 :
#find phase substracted to phase k (column of links)
ind_phases = np.array([i for i in np.where(self.link[ind_interf,:]==abs(1))[1] if i!=k])
#If phase involved in interferogram not in state (m) anymore
condition = [i not in indxs for i in ind_phases]
if any(condition):
ind_old,im = ind_phases[condition],np.where(condition)[0]
#expand m and P from phase
self.m = np.concatenate((self.m[:self.L],self.phases[ind_old],self.m[self.L:]))
for i in range(len(ind_old)):
var = np.square(self.std[ind_old[i]])
row = np.zeros(np.shape(self.P)[0])
col = np.zeros(np.shape(self.P)[0]+1)
#No covariance terms in P gives better results, but approximation
col[self.L] = var
self.P = np.insert(self.P,self.L+i,row,axis=0)
self.P = np.insert(self.P,self.L+i,col,axis=1)
#notify new
indxs = np.concatenate((ind_old,indxs)) #with respect to idx0
self.m_indxs = np.concatenate((ind_old +self.idx0,self.m_indxs))
#select relevant D and R
self.D = self.data[ind_interf]
self.R = self.Rdat[ind_interf,:][:,ind_interf]
Hsub = self.link[ind_interf,:k+1]
#resize if phases deleted
Hsub = Hsub[:,indxs]
self.H = np.hstack((np.zeros((len(self.D),self.L)),Hsub))
else :
self.D = []
self.R = []
self.H = []
[docs] def predict(self,X, P, A, Q):
Forecast step
* X : array (N)
The mean state estimate of the previous step ( k −1).
* P : array (N, N)
The state covariance of previous step ( k −1).
* A : array (N+1, N)
The transition matrix.
* Q : array (N+1, N+1)
The process noise covariance matrix.
Xf = np.dot(A, X)
Pf = np.dot(A, np.dot(P, A.T)) + Q
[docs] def update(self,Xf, Pf):
* Xf : array
forecast mean of the state
* Pf : array
forecast covariance of the state'''
Y = np.array(self.D) # the measurement vector
H = np.array(self.H) # the measurement matrix
R = np.array(self.R) # the measurement covariance matrix
if len(Y) == 0 : #no information for this date
self.inov = np.nan #innovation has no meaning here
self.K = np.zeros((self.L,1)) #kalman gain has no meaning here
return (Xf,Pf) #return forecast
else :
#Data - predictive distribution of Y
self.inov = self.innovation(Xf,Y)
#the Covariance or predictive mean of Y
IS = R + np.dot(H, np.dot(Pf, H.T))
#the Kalman Gain matrix
if np.linalg.det(IS) == 0:
print('Pf', Pf)
print('H', H)
print('determinant is Zero, not invertible')
self.K = np.dot(Pf, np.dot(H.T, np.linalg.inv(IS)))
#the estimated mean state
X = Xf + np.dot(self.K,self.inov) #Y-IM is residual or "innovation vector"
#the estimated covariance state
P = Pf - np.dot(self.K,np.dot(H,Pf))
if self.verbose :
[docs] def innovation(self, Xf, Y):
Compute residual or innovation vector
Innovation for phases is not informative. After a few steps,
reflects noise of data around model. '''
#the Mean of predictive distribution of Y
IM = np.dot(self.H, Xf)
[docs] def check_fit(self, X, P, eps_interf=10):
Check quality of fit of phases if verbose activated.
Compute residual weighted by its Covariance for analysed state
and print warning if pb
* eps_interf : float
accepted difference between computed and real interferograms.
Cres = self.R + np.dot(self.H, np.dot(P, self.H.T))
res = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Cres), self.innovation(X, self.D))
if abs(np.mean(res)) > eps_interf :
print('WARNING: post-fit residual too big (mean >' +str(eps_interf)+ 'mm)')
[docs] def reduce_sizes_m_P(self, k ):
Remove phases in m if not used to build interferograms and has converged
For ulterior long baseline interferograms, phase and associated standard deviation
can be recovered but state Covariance terms are lost (too heavy to store)
* k : integer
number of iteration
t_sep = self.t_sep #number of time step to keep in state vector
if k >= t_sep :
L = self.L #number of parameters
# apply to phases not in current interferograms (t > t_sep)
sub_P = np.diag(self.P[L:-(t_sep),L:-(t_sep)])
sub_m = self.m[L:-(t_sep)]
indx = self.m_indxs[:-(t_sep)]
#Look at where to insert old phases
relativind = indx -(len(self.phases)+self.idx0)
ind_mod,im = indx[relativind<0],np.where(relativind<0)[0]
ia = np.where(relativind>=0)[0]
if len(im)>0:
#phase already stored need to be updated
self.phases[ind_mod-self.idx0] = sub_m[im]
self.std[ind_mod-self.idx0] = abs(sub_P[im])**(1/2.)
#Append phases
self.phases = np.append(self.phases,sub_m[ia])
self.std = np.append(self.std,abs(sub_P[ia])**(1/2.)) #sqrt of variance
#Cut state
self.P = np.delete(self.P,list(range(L,len(self.m)-t_sep)),0) #row
self.P = np.delete(self.P,list(range(L,len(self.m)-t_sep)),1) #column
self.m = np.concatenate((self.m[:L],self.m[-t_sep:]))
self.m_indxs = self.m_indxs[-t_sep:]
assert np.shape(self.P)[0]==np.shape(self.P)[1],'ERROR: Pb in reshape, P not square matrix'
assert np.shape(self.P)[0]==len(self.m),'ERROR: shape of m and P do not match'
[docs] def expend_m_P(self,L,n,PL):
Open state vector and covariance (m and P) to add building parameters
* L : integer
index at which we open and insert new parameters in m and P
* n : integer
number of parameters to add
* PL : float
apriori variance of the new parameters
#increase size of m
self.m = np.concatenate((self.m[:L],np.zeros(n),self.m[L:]))
#extend P
for i in range(L,L+n):
row = np.zeros(np.shape(self.P)[0])
col = np.zeros(np.shape(self.P)[0]+1)
col[L] = PL
self.P = np.insert(self.P,i,row,axis=0)
self.P = np.insert(self.P,i,col,axis=1)
[docs] def detect_event(self,k,kmod,m_all):
Add model parameter for unexpected events not in model
* k : integer
* kmod : integer
minimum k at which modification can be applied
# Test for sharp variations in model parameters
params = [i[:self.L] for i in m_all[-5:-1]]
condition = np.sum(abs(np.mean(np.diff(params,axis=0)))) > 1/2. *np.sum(self.m[:self.L])
#sig_y = 15.0
#vel_all = [i[1] for i in m_all[-5:-1]]
#condition = abs(np.mean(np.diff(vel_all))) > sig_y/self.t[k]*1./(len(vel_all)-1)
if k > kmod and condition:
print('They may be an unexpected event')
print(1/2. *np.sum(self.m[:self.L]))
if k >= kmod_min-1 and self.Lss > 1 :
#reevaluate length of Lss
Amps = self.m[self.L+self.Leq:self.L+self.Leq+self.Lss]
mask = Amps > 1/100.*max(Amps) #want to keep significant terms only
rem_i = np.array(range(len(Amps)))[np.invert(mask)] #indexs to remove
Amps = Amps[mask] #to keep
print 'clean phase'
print self.st
self.st = self.st[mask]
self.m = np.concatenate((self.m[:(self.L+self.Leq)],Amps,self.m[(self.L+self.Leq+self.Lss):]))
print self.st
self.P = np.delete(self.P,self.L+self.Leq+rem_i,0) #row
self.P = np.delete(self.P,self.L+self.Leq+rem_i,1) #column
self.Lss = len(Amps)
if k > kmod_min and conditions : #compare velocity terms
print 'diff between vel', np.diff(vel_all)
print 'mean change in vel', abs(np.mean(np.diff(vel_all)))
print 'max crit', sig_y/self.t[k]*1./(len(vel_all)-1)
dt = int(round(2*self.swidth/6)) #how early can the ss be detected?
add_times = [self.t[k+dt-5],self.t[k+dt-3]] #times to test
self.st = np.append(self.st,add_times)
L = self.L + self.Leq + self.Lss #where we split m to insert new param
print 'add slowslip', self.t[k]
self.m[1] = m_all[-3][1]
self.Lss += len(add_times)
kmod_min = k + dt + 2 #time to wait for adjustement of amplitude before chacking for new ss
if kmod_min >= len(self.t):
kmod_min = len(self.t)'''
[docs] def kf(self, m_err, phi_err, add_err, t_sep=6, plots=True, cm='jet', ax1=0, ax2=0):
Run kalman filter combining other functions of class (i.e. MAIN)
* m_err : array
systematic error on model (should be 0)
* phi_err : float
systematic error on interferograms (should be 0)
* t_sep : integer
maximum time separation between interferograms, fix the minimum
number of phases that must be kept in the state vector. Constrain
the maximum length of the state vector
* plots : boolean, optional
WARNING - activate only if one instance of KF (=one pixel),
then subsequent parameters must be specified
- ax1 : pyplot axis
in which plot evolution of parameters
- ax2 : pyplot axis
in which plot evolution of predicted value and model
- cm : string or colormap
the colormap of reference later discretised
#Prepare storage array
kmod = 13 #int from which parameters can be added
m_all = [] #store state vector at each k in list of lists
self.t_sep = t_sep #caution if large may be slow and heavy
#Get where to start itterations
assert len(self.m_indxs)<= len(self.t),'ERROR: more phases computed than dates to work on'
assert len(self.m_indxs) < len(self.t),'ERROR: from array size, no NEW phase to compute'
self.idx0 = self.m_indxs[0] #indx of first phase (in this KF update) wrt the initial reference at t0
k_start = len(self.m_indxs) #number of phases in m from start (that will be reanalysed/updated)
k_end = len(self.t) #number of dates in time series (final number of phase estimates)
self.A = self.modelobj.create_A(k_start-1, len(self.m))
self.create_Q(m_err, phi_err, add_err, len(self.m))
Innov = []
Gain = []
#Loop on time
for k in range(k_start,k_end):
self.m_indxs = np.append(self.m_indxs, self.idx0+k) #add last phase index
self.create_H_R_and_D(k, self.m_indxs-self.idx0)
#Update matrices
self.A = self.modelobj.create_A(k-1,len(self.m))
(mf,Pf) = self.predict(self.m, self.P, self.A, self.Q)
(self.m,self.P) = self.update(mf, Pf)
#store info
Gain.append( np.linalg.norm(self.K[:self.L,:], axis=1) ) #Gain of model parameters
Innov.extend( [np.mean(self.inov)] )
if (k%5==0) or (k_end-1): #every 5th k (to save time)
#Reduce size of m (part with phases)
#Add building parameters based on observations
if k < k_end-1: #not last step
#if number of parameters smaller than in ref
if self.L < self.Lref :
#Add model element when getting close to relevant date
self.mod,n = self.modelobj.expend_model(k,2,verbose=False)
self.expend_m_P(self.L-n,n,70.**2.) #L already increased in timefunction
#Update matrices
#self.A = self.modelobj.create_A(k,len(self.m))
if plots == True :
cmap = [cm(1.*i/k_end) for i in range(k_end)]
if ax1.ndim == 2:
if k > 5 : #do not plot first poorly fitting models
###END loop
self.phases = np.concatenate((self.phases, self.m[self.L:]))
std_all = np.concatenate((self.std, np.diag(abs(self.P[self.L:,self.L:]))**(1/2.)))
self.std = std_all
if plots == True :
fmt='.',c='pink',label='retrieved phases',markersize=10)
ax2.set_xlabel('Time (days)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Displacement (mm)')
self.Gain = np.array(Gain)
self.Innov = np.array(Innov)
[docs] def write_output(self, outstates, outphase, outupdate=None):
Save outputs of kalman filter for next run
* outstates : h5py file
Open h5file for state storage
* outphase : h5py file
Open h5file for phase storage
* outupdate : h5py file
Open h5file for gain and innovation (Optional)
i = self.xi
j = self.yi
if np.count_nonzero(outstates['indx'][:]) == 0 : #check if empty
#Store pixel independent information
outstates['indx'][:] = self.m_indxs
outstates['tims'][:] = self.t[self.m_indxs-self.idx0]
outphase['idx0'][...] = self.idx0
outphase['tims'][:] = self.t
#Fill in with new data
outstates['state'][j,i,:] = self.m
outstates['state_cov'][j,i,:,:] = self.P
outphase['rawts'][j,i,:] = self.phases
outphase['rawts_std'][j,i,:] = self.std
#Store Gain and Innovation
outupdate["mean_innov"][j,i,:] = self.Innov
outupdate["param_gain"][j,i,:,:] = self.Gain
# All done
[docs] def plot_params(self,k,ax,cmap) :
Plot each parameter over time with its uncertainty in
subplots of size len(ax)'''
m_plt,P_plt = self.modelobj.comp_phase_shift(self.m[:self.L],P=self.P[:self.L,:self.L])
P_plt = abs(np.diag(P_plt))**(1/2.)
for i in range(self.L):
ax[i].errorbar(self.t[k],m_plt[i],yerr= P_plt[i],fmt='o',markersize=4.5,\
[docs] def plot_gain(self,k,ax,cmap) :
Plot gain for each parameter over time'''
g_l = np.linalg.norm(self.K[:self.L,:],axis=1)
g_plt,tmp = self.modelobj.comp_phase_shift(g_l)
for i in range(self.L):
[docs] def plot_model(self,k,ax,cmap) :
Plot resulting model'''
Model= self.draw_model(self.m[:self.L])
[docs] def title_labels(self,ax1) :
Add axes label and titles for subplots from plot_params and plot gain functions'''
if ax1.ndim == 1:
#for i in range(len(ax1)):
# ax1[i].set_xlabel('time (days)')
if ax1.ndim == 2:
for i in range(np.shape(ax1)[1]):
ax1[1,i].set_xlabel('time (days)')
ax1 = ax1[0] #select first row of plots
#Titles of subplots in fig1
tltsize = 12
labels = self.modelobj.get_label(self.L, 'mm', phase=True)
for lab in labels:
i +=1