Source code for kf.readinput

from __future__ import print_function
# Read files with interferograms, select study area, reshape for Kalamn filter
#Date : July 2018
#Author : Manon Dalaison 

from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import numpy as np
import h5py, sys
import datetime as dt

#local load only to convert MintPy format
from prepare_input import BuildStack

#os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE"

class Subregion():
    def __init__(self, x1, x2, y1, y2):
        self.x1 = x1
        self.x2 = x2
        self.y1 = y1
        self.y2 = y2

[docs]class SetupKF(object): def __init__(self, h5file, fmt='ISCE', comm=False, mpiarg=0, utime = 'years', verbose=True, subregion=None, cohTh=None, refyx=None): ''' Class for reading and modifying interferograms for Kalman filtering. :h5file: .h5 file path containing - time : decimal dates relative to first acquisition (usually in years) - dates : absolute data - igram : interferograms - links : connection between phases to build interfero (M x N), 0 1 and -1 - bperp : perpendicular baseline between aquisitions (not exploited yet) Opts: :fmt: format of H5file input, default is 'ISCE' (also 'RAW' 'MintPy') :comm: do you use parallel features of mpi4py (True or False, default False) :mpiarg: precise rank and size of communicator (tuple used if mpi=True) :utime: time unit as string (years or days) :verbose: print stuff? (True or False) :subregion: subregion class instance containing x and y bounds as pixel numbers :cohTh: minimum coherence used to mask pixels in each interferogram ''' if comm == False: mpi=False else : mpi=True self.comm = comm self.verbose = verbose ## Import and read Data if fmt.upper() == 'ISCE': intrfname = 'figram' elif fmt.upper() == 'RAW': intrfname = 'igram' elif fmt.upper() == 'MINTPY': #Select info from ifgramStack intrfname = 'unwrapPhase' else : assert False,"Specified format {} of H5file not known".format(fmt) if not mpi : fin = h5py.File(h5file,'r') #dictionary else : fin = h5py.File(h5file,'r',driver='mpio',comm=self.comm) self.Ny, self.Nx = np.shape(fin[intrfname])[1:] self.igram = fin[intrfname] if subregion is None : self.spatial_grid() else : self.spatial_grid(xmin = subregion.x1, xmax = subregion.x2, ymin = subregion.y1, ymax = subregion.y2, truncate = True) self.igram = self.igram[:,subregion.y1:subregion.y2, subregion.x1:subregion.x2] #Slice data between workers along Y (axis 1) self.dividepxls(mpi,mpiarg) if (refyx is not None) or (cohTh is not None): #modification of input igram is required self.copydata2file(fin) if refyx is not None: self.rereference(refyx) if fmt.upper() == 'MINTPY': self.bperp = fin['bperp'][:] self.mintpy2kfts(fin) else : self.time = fin['tims'][:] #time in decimal year wrt start self.links = fin['Jmat'][:] #2D (interf,time) self.bperp = fin['bperp'][:] #perpendicular baseline (interf) self.orddates = fin['dates'][:].astype(int) #ordinal dates self.igram = self.igram[:,self.miny:self.maxy,:] #3D (interf,y,x) # Apply coherence threshold if cohTh is not None: self.filter_by_coherence(fin,cohTh) # Ordinal date to decimal year init = dt.datetime.fromordinal(self.orddates[0]) yr_start =,1,1).toordinal() yr_len =,1,1).toordinal() - yr_start day_inyr =,init.month, - yr_start t0 = init.year + day_inyr/yr_len = t0 + self.time[:] if utime == 'years': if self.verbose: print('Time expressed in years') elif utime == 'days': # Ordinal dates in days already if self.verbose : print('WARNING: time is in number of days') self.time = self.orddates - self.orddates[0] else : assert False, "unit of time {} not understood".format(utime) self.unit = utime
[docs] def dividepxls(self, mpi, mpiarg): ''' Check if MPI used and divide pxls into subsets for different workers ''' # store total amount of lines self.Ntot = self.Ny if mpi : self.mpi = mpi self.rank, size = mpiarg #select number of line per worker if self.Ntot > size : Yslice = self.Ny//size residual = self.Ny %size else : Yslice = 1 residual = 0 if self.verbose: print('There are {} columns, each worker will deal with about {} columns'.format( self.Ntot,Yslice)) #select subset along latitudes (y) miny = self.rank * Yslice assert (miny < self.Ntot),"Worker {} has no columns to work with, STOP".format(self.rank) if self.rank < (size-1): maxy = miny + Yslice else: maxy = self.Ntot #Redistribute residual of division if residual >0.: ranktoend = size - self.rank #size to 1 if (ranktoend <= residual) & (self.rank <(size-1)): maxy += residual+1 -ranktoend if (ranktoend < residual): miny += residual -ranktoend self.Ny = maxy -miny self.miny,self.maxy = miny,maxy print('Worker {} working on {} to {}'.format(self.rank, miny, maxy)) else : self.mpi = False self.rank, size = 0,1 self.miny,self.maxy = 0, self.Ny
[docs] def trunc_time(self,t_num) : ''' Select subset of dates. :t_num: the number of dates to keep at the end of array ''' if self.verbose: print('Truncate time :keep last', t_num, 'aquisitions') self.time = self.time[-t_num:] self.links = self.links[:,-t_num:] #remove lines not containing both 1 and -1 mask = np.logical_and( (self.links==1).any(axis=1), (self.links==-1).any(axis=1) ) self.links = self.links[mask,:] self.bperp = self.bperp[mask] self.igram = self.igram[mask,:,:]
[docs] def spatial_grid(self, xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, truncate=False) : ''' Create spatial grid with possibility of choosing a spatial subset. Opts: :xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax: indexes delimiting the study area (integers) default are all pixels (0,Nx,0,Ny) :truncate: True or False (for quick testing) Return: * meshgrid in x and y (2 2D arrays) ''' if (xmax==0) and (ymax==0) : xmax = self.Nx ymax = self.Ny nx,ny = xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin y,x = np.array(list(range(ny))),np.array(list(range(nx))) self.yv,self.xv = np.meshgrid( ymin+y, xmin+x, indexing='ij') if (truncate and (nx*ny < self.Nx*self.Ny)): self.yv,self.xv = np.meshgrid(y, x, indexing='ij') self.Ny,self.Nx = ny, nx self.Ntot = ny return x,y
[docs] def mintpy2kfts(self,fin): ''' Read and translate information in the hDF5 output of MintPy named ifgramStack.h5 Essentially reformat dates and build matrix mapping interferogram to time :fin: open HDF5 file ''' # initialize class ylims,xlims = (0,-1), (0,-1) stack = BuildStack(self.verbose,ylims,xlims) # read date strings datestrings = fin['date'][:] stack.ConnectMatrix(datestrings.astype(str)) self.links = stack.Jmat # get matrix self.orddates = stack.days.astype(int) # ordinal dates self.time = (stack.days-stack.days[0])/365.25 # decimal years
[docs] def copydata2file(self,fin): ''' Create new file to copy and edit data (interferograms) in a safe and memory-saving way before splitting tasks between workers ''' # create new file for iterative writing and storage newstackfile = fin.filename[:-3]+'_copy_igram.h5' if not self.mpi : fout = h5py.File(newstackfile,'w') else : fout = h5py.File(newstackfile,'w', driver='mpio', comm=self.comm) if self.verbose: print('Create standardized source file {}'.format(newstackfile)) #dataset maskigram = fout.create_dataset('igrams',(self.igram.shape),'f') maskigram[:,self.miny:self.maxy,:] = self.igram[:,self.miny:self.maxy,:] self.finmask = fout
[docs] def rereference(self,ref): ''' Remove the interferoĆ¹etric value on a given pixel to all interferograms (optional if interferogram stack already referenced) :ref: (y,x) pixel index of reference ''' if self.verbose: print('-- Re-reference all interferograms to a single pixel {} --'.format(ref)) if hasattr(self, 'finmask'): maskigram = self.finmask['igrams'] else: assert False, "Need to run copydata2file BEFORE filter_by_coherence" for j in range(self.igram.shape[0]): maskigram[j,:,:] -= maskigram[j,ref[0],ref[1]] self.igram = maskigram
[docs] def filter_by_coherence(self,fin,cohTh): ''' Remove points below a given threshold in all interferograms :fin: open HDF5 file containing a 'coherence' dataset ''' if self.verbose: print('-- Masking low coherence pixel in each interferogram --') print('Coherence threshold is {}'.format(cohTh)) if hasattr(self, 'finmask'): maskigram = self.finmask['igrams'] else: assert False, "Need to run copydata2file BEFORE filter_by_coherence" for j in range(0, self.Ny): #each worker iterates over its own Y # load coherence cohsub = fin['coherence'][:,self.miny+j,:] igrsub = self.igram[:,j,:] # replace by NaN mask = (cohsub < cohTh) igrsub[mask] = np.nan # write to file maskigram[:,self.miny+j,:] = igrsub self.igram = maskigram[:,self.miny:self.maxy,:]
[docs] def apply_input_mask(self,maskfile): ''' * maskfile: hdf5 file containing a 'mask' dataset of (Y,X) shape ''' if self.verbose: print('-- Masking pixels according to a loaded mask --') print('Input mask is in {}'.format(maskfile)) # open file if not self.mpi : fin = h5py.File(maskfile,'r') else : fin = h5py.File(maskfile,'r',driver='mpio',comm=self.comm) # create mask of right size (worker specific if MPI) mask = np.zeros(self.igram.shape[1:]) mask[:] = fin['mask'][self.miny:self.maxy,:] fin.close() if hasattr(self,'mask'): self.mask *= mask else: self.mask = mask
[docs] def pxl_with_nodata(self,thres=30, chunks=200, plot=False) : ''' Check for pixels with little data and build mask. :xv,yv: grid element Opts: :thres: minimum number of interferogram required to be available for one pixel :chunks: chunks of columns to be processed simultaneously Return: * pairs of indices in list ''' # Make mask if self.verbose: print('-- Masking elements with little data --') mask = np.zeros(self.igram.shape[1:]) #(dy,x) for j in range(0, self.Nx, chunks): #itterate through blocks of end = np.min([self.igram.shape[2], j+chunks]) mask[:,j:end] = np.sum(np.isfinite(self.igram[:,:,j:end]), axis=0) #sum counts number of True if plot==True: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1) plt.pcolormesh(mask,vmin=200) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('numb_data_map.png',dpi=250) plt.close() mask[mask<thres] = 0 mask[mask>=thres] = 1 if hasattr(self,'mask'): self.mask *= mask else: self.mask = mask print('Selected pixels :',int(np.sum(self.mask)),'so',\ round(np.sum(self.mask)/(float(self.Nx*self.Ny))*100.,1),'%', "-for worker",self.rank) return
[docs] def select_pxl_band(self,x,y,slope,Xoff1,Xoff2,xmin=0) : ''' Chose subset around fault between two parallel lines (X = slope*Y + off). :slope: slope of bounds for X as a function of Y (float) :Xoff1: offset in minimum line (float) :Xoff2: offset in maximum line (Xoff2 > Xoff1) Opt: :xmin: if nonzero in spatial_grid function need to specify its value NOT ADAPTED FOR MPI USE YET ''' if self.verbose: print('-- Selecting fault zone --') mask = np.zeros(self.igram.shape[1:]) for jj in y: #itterate over rows Xmin = slope*jj +Xoff1 Xmax = slope*jj +Xoff2 mask[jj,x+xmin > Xmin] = 1 mask[jj,x+xmin > Xmax] = 0 # update mask if hasattr(self, 'mask'): self.mask *= mask else: self.mask = mask if self.verbose: print(self.rank,'Selected pixels :',int(np.sum(mask)),'so',\ round(np.sum(self.mask)/(float(self.Nx*self.Ny))*100.,2),'%') return
[docs] def get_interf_pairs(self): ''' Extract indices of phases substracted together to build interfero. * imoins : indice of phases substracted to iplus (M) * iplus : indices of phases added (M) ''' Connect = np.array([[np.flatnonzero(self.links[i,:]==-1.)[0], \ np.flatnonzero(self.links[i,:]== 1.)[0]] for i in range(self.links.shape[0])]) self.imoins = Connect[:,0].astype(int) self.iplus = Connect[:,1].astype(int) self.max_tsep = int(max(((self.imoins-self.iplus)**2)**(1/2.))) if self.verbose: print('max step separation btwn interfero',self.max_tsep) return
[docs] def create_R(self, rr): ''' Create covariance matrix of data :rr: variance in observation (=interferograms) noise (float) ''' imoins,iplus = self.imoins,self.iplus R = np.eye(len(imoins))* rr #for q in range(0,len(imoins)): # R[q,-1] = 1/2.*rr*(kdelta(imoins[q],imoins[-1]) # +kdelta(iplus[q],iplus[-1]) # -kdelta(imoins[q],iplus[-1]) # -kdelta(iplus[q],imoins[-1])) # R[-1,q] = R[q,-1] self.R = R return
[docs] def summary(self): '''Print data properties ''' if self.verbose: init = dt.datetime.fromordinal(self.orddates[0]) last = dt.datetime.fromordinal(self.orddates[-1]) print("-- Data summary --") print('starting date is {}/{}/{} and last acquisition {}/{}/{}'.format( init.year, init.month,, last.year, last.month, print('timespan of measurements : ',self.time[-1] - self.time[0],'years') print('number of days with acquisitions : ', len(self.time)) print('number of interferograms : ', len(self.bperp)) print('total number of pixels : ',np.shape(self.igram)[1:],' -for worker',self.rank) #set first phase to zero #self.links[:,0] = 0 #can't write on h5py return
########################################################################## def kdelta(i,j): '''kronecker delta function''' if i == j : return 1.0 else : return 0.0
[docs]def initiatefileforKF(statefile, phasefile, L, data, model, store, updtfile=None, comm=False, toverlap=0, tshift=1, t_sep= None): ''' Open h5py file for kalman filter. :statefile: file name and location :phasefile: file name and location :L: number of parameters :model: model description in tuple used for :store: is a tuple of things to store :updtfile: file name to store additional statistics about KF analysis :comm: communicator if MPI used (e.g. MPI.COMM_WORLD) :toverlap: number of overlaping timesteps with past solution (only if restart KF) :tshift: number of previously estimated phases (may be updated) ''' lent = data.time.shape[0] + toverlap #length of saved record for latter update newt = lent - tshift #length of new optimized time steps Ny, Nx = data.Ntot, data.Nx m_err, sig_eps, sig_gam = store if comm==False : fstates = h5py.File(statefile, 'w') fphases = h5py.File(phasefile, 'w') if updtfile is not None: fupdt = h5py.File(updtfile, 'w') else : fstates = h5py.File(statefile, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) fphases = h5py.File(phasefile, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) if updtfile is not None: fupdt = h5py.File(updtfile, 'w', driver='mpio', comm=comm) if t_sep is None: tsep = data.max_tsep else: tsep = t_sep ## Create output dataset (name,shape,datatype) # Elements to restart the kalman filter state = fstates.create_dataset('state',(Ny,Nx,L+tsep),'float64') state.attrs['help'] = 'State m comprising the model parameters and the last retrieved phases \n for model '+str(model) state_cov = fstates.create_dataset('state_cov',(Ny,Nx,L+tsep,L+tsep),'float64') state_cov.attrs['help'] = 'Covariance P of state m' indx = fstates.create_dataset('indx',(tsep,),'i8') indx.attrs['help'] = 'Indexes of the phases still within the state m (in parms)' subtime = fstates.create_dataset('tims',(tsep,),'float64') subtime.attrs['help'] = 'times corresponding to phases in state in decimal years with respect to first phase with ti= '+str([0]) pn = fstates.create_dataset('processnoise',data=m_err) pn.attrs['help'] = 'Process noise for functional model parameters' mm = fstates.create_dataset('mismodeling',data=sig_gam) mm.attrs['help'] = 'Mismodeling error added as process noise on last phase estimate' mc = fstates.create_dataset('misclosure',data=sig_eps) mc.attrs['help'] = 'Misclosure error included in data covariance' # Save time series of deformation rawts = fphases.create_dataset('rawts',(Ny,Nx,lent),'f') rawts.attrs['help'] = 'Reconstructed phases' rastd = fphases.create_dataset('rawts_std',(Ny,Nx,lent),'f') rastd.attrs['help'] = 'Reconstructed phases standard deviation (sqrt of diag(P))' tims = fphases.create_dataset('tims',(lent,),'f') tims.attrs['help'] = 'Decimal years of the time series with ti= '+str([0]) dates = fphases.create_dataset('dates',data=data.orddates) dates.attrs['help'] = 'Ordinal values of the SAR acquisition dates' idx = fphases.create_dataset('idx0',data=0) idx.attrs['help'] = 'Index of first phase in file with respect to first reference date of time series' # Save part of the innovation and Gain to have information # about the predictive power of the model innv = fupdt.create_dataset('mean_innov',(Ny,Nx,newt),'f') innv.attrs['help'] = 'Mean innovation (or residual) for the last phase estimate at each time step' # about the convergence and sensitivity to data of model parameters gain = fupdt.create_dataset('param_gain',(Ny,Nx,newt,L),'f') gain.attrs['help'] = 'Norm of the gain for the L model parameters at each time step' if updtfile is not None: return fstates,fphases,fupdt else : return fstates,fphases
[docs]def reopenfileforKF(statefile, phasefile, comm=False): '''Function to reopen file after closure to test readability''' if comm==False : fstates = h5py.File(statefile, 'r+') fphases = h5py.File(phasefile, 'r+') else : fstates = h5py.File(statefile, 'r+', driver='mpio', comm=comm) fphases = h5py.File(phasefile, 'r+', driver='mpio', comm=comm) return fstates,fphases