# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Class implementing the functional
# representation of the phase
#Date : July 2018
#Author : Manon Dalaison and Romain Jolivet
#Enable compatibility with python 2.7 (optional)
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial
import sys
import os #using operating system dependent functionality.
[docs]class TimeFct(object):
def __init__(self, time, model, origintime=0.0, verbose=False):
Initialization of the class, which build parametrised function of time.
This creates an object that can build functional representations \
and spit out names, etc.
* *time* : vector of the time (decimal years )
* *originTime* : origin of the time used here
* *model* : contain string of function and associated parameters \
with syntax described in table below
======================================== ========================
model = description
======================================== ========================
``[('POLY' ,deg),`` polynomial of degree ``deg``
``('COS' ,freq),`` cosine of frequency ``freq``
``('SIN' ,freq),`` sine of frequency ``freq``
``('STEP' ,t1,t2,...),`` earthquake at time ``ti``
``('HTAN' ,t1,w1,t2,w2,...),`` slowslip(s) centred on ``ti``
``('EXP' ,t1,w1),`` starting and characteristic time
``('LOG' ,t1,w1),`` starting and characteristic time
``('BSPLINE',order,t1,w1,t2,w2,...),`` peak(s) of deformation centred on ``ti``
``('ISPLINE',order,t1,w1,t2,w2,...),`` slowslip(s) centred on ``ti``
``('LISEG' ,t1,t2,...)]`` line segment(s) beween ``ti`` and ``t(i+1)``
======================================== ========================
# Save
if type(time).__module__ == np.__name__: #test if numpy array
self.t = time
self.t = time[:]
self.ti = origintime
if origintime > 0 :
self.t += self.ti
self.model = model #reference should be kept as it is
self.mod = model #model we will work with, may be truncated/expended
self.check = False #has the model been checked?
self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def check_model(self):
Verify number of parameters are consistent and write down summary of model description
k = 0 #count number of param in m
for mod in self.model :
if mod[0] in ('POLY','POLYNOMIAL'):
assert len(mod)==2, "Syntax: ['POLYNOMIAL', degree (int)]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Polynomial function of degree', mod[1])
k += mod[1]+1
elif mod[0] in ('COS','COSINE'):
assert len(mod)==2, "Syntax: ['COSINE', frequency (float)]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Cosine function of frequency', mod[1])
k += +1
elif mod[0] in ('SIN','SINE'):
assert len(mod)==2, "Syntax: ['SINE', frequency (float)]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Sine function of frequency', mod[1])
k += +1
elif mod[0] in ('STEP','EARTHQUAKE','HEAVISIDE'):
assert len(mod)>=2, "Syntax: ['STEP', time1, time2, ...]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Heaviside function to model earthquakes at times', mod[1:])
k += len(mod[1:])
elif mod[0] in ('HTAN'):
assert len(mod)>=3, "Syntax: ['HTAN', time1, width1, time2, width2,...]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Hyperbolic tangent to model slow slip at times', mod[1::2],'and width',mod[2::2])
k += len(mod[1::2])
elif mod[0] in ('EXP', 'EXPONENTIAL'):
assert len(mod)==3, "Syntax: ['EXP', start time, characteristic time]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Exponential function (-exp(-x)) starting at time',mod[1],'with characteristic time',mod[2])
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('LOG', 'LOGARITHM'):
assert len(mod)==3, "Syntax: ['LOG', start time, characteristic time]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Logarithmic function starting at time',mod[1],'with characteristic time',mod[2])
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('Bsp', 'BSPLINE'):
assert len(mod)>=4, "Syntax: ['BSPLINE', order, time1, width1, time2, width2]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ B-Spline of degree',mod[1],'centred on times', mod[2::2],'and with width',mod[3::2])
k += len(mod[2::2])
elif mod[0] in ('Isp', 'ISPLINE'):
assert len(mod)>=4, "Syntax: ['ISPLINE', order, time1, width1, time2, width2]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Integrated Spline of degree',mod[1],'centred on times', mod[2::2],'and with width',mod[3::2])
k += len(mod[2::2])
elif mod[0] == 'LISEG':
assert len(mod)>=3, "Syntax: ['LISEG',start_time,stop1,stop2,...]"
if self.verbose:
print('+ Linear segment(s) between times',mod[1:],'and end of time series')
k += len(mod[1:])+1 #cste + one slope by time span
assert False, 'Functional form unknown: {}'.format(mod)
self.L = k
if self.verbose:
print('There need to be',k,'parameters in m')
print('**** MODEL OK ****')
self.check = True
[docs] def transition_vect(self,t):
Build linear transition vector that gives the model
* *t* : time can be one date or an array of dates'''
if (isinstance(t,float) or isinstance(t,int)) :
A = np.zeros(self.L)
elif t.ndim == 1 :
A = np.zeros((self.L,len(t)))
else :
assert False, "Format time not understood"
k = 0
for mod in self.mod :
if mod[0] in ('POLY','POLYNOMIAL'):
for i in range(mod[1]+1):
A[k] = t**(i)
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('COS','COSINE'):
A[k] = np.cos(t*mod[1])
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('SIN','SINE'):
A[k] = np.sin(t*mod[1])
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('STEP','EARTHQUAKE','HEAVISIDE'):
if len(mod) == 2 : #one earthquake
A[k] = _step(t,[mod[1]])
k += 1
nb_eq = len(mod)-1
A[k:k+nb_eq] = _step(t,mod[1:])
k += nb_eq
elif mod[0] in ('HTAN'):
if len(mod) == 3 : #one slowslip
A[k] = _htan(t,[mod[1]],[mod[2]])
k += 1
nb_ss = (len(mod)-1)//2 #floor division
A[k:k+nb_ss] = _htan(t,mod[1::2],mod[2::2])
k += nb_ss
elif mod[0] in ('EXP', 'EXPONENTIAL'):
A[k] = (1 - np.exp(-(t-mod[1])/mod[2]))*(t>=mod[1])
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('LOG', 'LOGARITHM'):
A[k] = np.log(1.0+ ((t-mod[1])/mod[2])*(t>=mod[1]))
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('Bsp', 'BSPLINE'):
nb_bs = (len(mod)-2)//2
spline = _bspline(self.t,mod[1],mod[2::2],mod[3::2])
if (isinstance(t,float) or isinstance(t,int)):
if spline.ndim ==1:
spline = spline[np.where(self.t==t)]
if spline.ndim ==2:
#remove dim with squeeze to have 1D like A
spline = np.squeeze(spline[:,np.where(self.t==t)])
A[k:k+nb_bs] = spline
k += nb_bs
elif mod[0] in ('Isp', 'ISPLINE'):
nb_is = (len(mod)-2)//2
spline = _ispline(self.t,mod[1],mod[2::2],mod[3::2])
if (isinstance(t,float) or isinstance(t,int)):
if spline.ndim ==1:
spline = spline[np.where(self.t==t)]
if spline.ndim ==2:
#remove dim with squeeze to have 1D like A
spline = np.squeeze(spline[:,np.where(self.t==t)])
A[k:k+nb_is] = spline
k += nb_is
elif mod[0] == 'LISEG':
A[k] = 1. #cste a0
k += 1
#slopes depending on time
for i in range(1,len(mod)):
maskt = (t > mod[i])
if i < len(mod)-1: #else until end of timeseries
#set maximum date
maskt *= (t < mod[i+1])
#for continuity with next segment
A[k,(t > mod[i+1])] = mod[i+1] #a1*t1
A[k,maskt] = t[maskt] - mod[i] #a1*(t-t1) for t>t0 & t<t1
k += 1
assert False, 'Functional form unknown: {}'.format(mod)
return A
[docs] def find_coeff_lsq(self,evolv,err):
Basic linear least-squares which finds of defined model
* evolv : time series of phase change (shape of time)
* err : standard deviation of shage (shape of time)
A = self.transition_vect(self.t)
y = evolv
### Weight matrix for covariance in Data
Cd_inv = np.eye(len(self.t))*(err)**(-1)
### Least square regression
Cm = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(np.dot(A.T,Cd_inv),A)) #posterior model covariance
if evolv.ndim ==2:
ATb = [np.dot(np.dot(A.T, Cd_inv), y[i,:]) for i in range(np.shape(evolv)[0])]
m = np.array([np.dot(Cm, ATb[i]) for i in range(np.shape(evolv)[0])])
else :
ATb = np.dot(np.dot(A.T, Cd_inv), y)
m = np.dot(Cm, ATb)
merr = np.sqrt(np.diag(Cm))
return m, merr
[docs] def draw_model(self,coeff):
Gives f(t) as defined in model
* *coeff* : contain multiplying coefficients of each function \
in the same order as in model \
(correspond to first elements of state vector m)'''
assert np.shape(coeff)[-1]==self.L,"number of parameters {} do no match functional\
model ({} expected)".format(np.shape(coeff)[-1],self.L)
A = self.transition_vect(self.t)
if coeff.ndim==3:
fault = (3.,1.,60.)
for x in range(0,coeff.shape[1]):
for y in range(0,coeff.shape[0]):
xy_sign = fault_vel_2D(x,y, fault)
coeff[y,x,-1] = xy_sign*coeff[y,x,-1]
#tmp '''
f = np.dot(coeff,A)
return f
[docs] def create_A(self,k,M):
Create A, the transition n × n matrix which converts m into mf
Matrix used during prediction in the Kalman Filter
* *k* : the timestep
* *M* : the state vector length '''
A_top = np.eye(M) #keep phases as in state vector (NxN)
A_row = np.zeros(M) #compute next phase from model (N)
A_row[:self.L]= self.transition_vect(self.t[k+1])
A = np.vstack((A_top,[A_row]))
return A
[docs] def shift_t0(self,t0,coeff):
* t0 : shift in t0 (t0_new -t0_old)
* coeff : parameter (assuming: offset, slope, sin, cos along last axis)'''
m = coeff.copy()
m_new = np.zeros(np.shape(m))
#avoid useless computations
if t0==0.0:
return m
#keep track of cos sine in model
cos = False
sin = False
#count num of parameters
#count num of functional units (mod)
for mod in self.mod :
if mod[0] in ('POLY','POLYNOMIAL'):
m_new[...,0] = m[...,0]
for i in range(mod[1]+1):
m_new[...,0] += -m[...,k]*t0**(i)
m_new[...,k] = m[...,k]
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('COS','COSINE'):
cos = True
if sin == False:
ktrig = k
k += 1
else :
print("assuming same freq for SIN and COS")
m_new[...,ktrig] = m[...,ktrig]*np.cos(mod[1]*t0) + m[...,k]*np.sin(mod[1]*t0)
m_new[...,k] = m[...,k]*np.cos(mod[1]*t0) - m[...,ktrig]*np.sin(mod[1]*t0)
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('SIN','SINE'):
sin = True
if cos == False :
ktrig = k
k += 1
else :
print("assuming same freq for SIN and COS")
m_new[...,k] = m[...,k]*np.cos(mod[1]*t0) + m[...,ktrig]*np.sin(mod[1]*t0)
m_new[...,ktrig] = m[...,ktrig]*np.cos(mod[1]*t0) - m[...,k]*np.sin(mod[1]*t0)
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('STEP','EARTHQUAKE','HEAVISIDE'):
#keep same amplitude but shift time in model
nb_eq = len(mod)-1
newmod = list(mod)
for i in range(nb_eq) :
newmod[i+1] += t0
m_new[...,k+i] = m[...,k+i]
self.mod[j] = tuple(newmod)
print("New model",self.mod)
k += nb_eq
elif mod[0] in ('HTAN'):
print("WARNING: HTAN function haven't been tested")
nb_ss =int((len(mod)-1)/2)
for i in range(nb_ss):
mod[1+i*2] += t0
k += nb_ss
elif mod[0] == 'LISEG':
for i in range(len(mod[1:])):
mod[i] += t0
assert False, 'Functional form unknown: {}'.format(mod)
j += 1
if sin+cos == 1 : #one False, one True
assert False, 'need COS and SINE together in model to shift t axis'
return m_new
[docs] def cut_model(self,N):
Function that removes some of the component of the functional model
based on the length of parameters (N). This allows to include informations
when needed and not before.
k = 0 #count number of parameters
kk = 0 #count number of model elements
for mod in self.model:
kkk = 0 #count number of element inside model element
if mod[0] in ('POLY','POLYNOMIAL'):
for i in range(mod[1]+1):
kkk = i+2
k += 1
if k==N:
elif mod[0] in ('COS','COSINE'):
kkk = 2
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('SIN','SINE'):
kkk = 2
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('STEP','EARTHQUAKE','HEAVISIDE'):
for i in range(1,len(mod)):
kkk = i+1
k += 1
if k==N:
elif mod[0] in ('HTAN'):
for i in range(1,len(mod),2):
kkk = i+2
k += 1
if k==N:
elif mod[0] in ('EXP', 'EXPONENTIAL'):
kkk = 3
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('LOG', 'LOGARITHM'):
kkk = 3
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('Bsp', 'BSPLINE'):
for i in range(2,len(mod),2):
kkk = i+2
k += 1
if k==N:
elif mod[0] in ('Isp', 'ISPLINE'):
for i in range(2,len(mod),2):
kkk = i+2
k += 1
if k==N:
elif mod[0] == 'LISEG':
k += 1 #cste
for i in range(len(mod[1:])):
if k==N:
kk = i+1
k += 1
assert False, 'Functional form unknown: {}'.format(mod)
kk += 1
if k==N:
newmodel = self.model[:kk]
newmodel[-1] = newmodel[-1][:kkk]
self.L = N
self.mod = newmodel
return self.mod
[docs] def expend_model(self,k,dt, verbose=True):
''' Add events in reference model not in self.mod,
if we are getting temporarily close to the occurence of the event
* *dt* : anticipation time
t = self.t[k+1]
mod = self.mod
n = 0 #count number of param to add
kk = 0
for ref in self.model:
Lmod = 0
if kk < len(mod):
Lmod = len(mod[kk])
if len(ref)==len(mod[kk]) and ref[0]==mod[kk][0]:
kk += 1
times = [i for i in ref[1:] if i <= (t+dt)]
indx = len(times)
if indx > 0 :
if Lmod ==0 : #no earthquake before
n +=indx
else :
n += indx+1 -len(mod[kk])
newmod = [x for x in mod if x!=mod[kk]]
mod = newmod
elif ref[0] in ('HTAN'):
times = [i for i,j in zip(ref[1::2],ref[2::2]) if i <= (t+dt+j)]
indx = len(times)
if indx > 0 :
if Lmod ==0 :
n +=indx
else :
n +=indx+1 -len(mod[kk])
newmod = [x for x in mod if x!=mod[kk]]
mod = newmod
elif ref[0] in ('Bsp', 'BSPLINE','Isp', 'ISPLINE'):
times = [i for i,j in zip(ref[2::2],ref[3::2]) if i <= (t+dt+j)]
indx = len(times)
if indx > 0 :
if Lmod ==0 :
n +=indx
else :
n +=indx+1 -len(mod[kk])
newmod = [x for x in mod if x!=mod[kk]]
mod = newmod
elif ref[0] in ('EXP', 'EXPONENTIAL','LOG', 'LOGARITHM'):
if ref[1] <= (t+dt+ref[2]):
n +=1
kk += 1
if n > 0 and verbose :
print("increased number of param by",n,"at step",k)
self.L += n
self.mod = mod
return self.mod,n
[docs] def identify_outdated(self, dtmax):
Function optimizing model as a function of starting time of time series,
localize modification that will be berformed later on every state vectors/cov
* *dtmax* : time after event allowed to optimize localized function in time
(apply only on 'STEP','EARTHQUAKE','HEAVISIDE' and cst of 'POLY')
indexdel = [] # indexes of parameters to remove
modeldel = [] # model element and index inside
Cstindex = None # index of cst term if time to fix it
if self.t[0] < dtmax :
print("Starting time is {}".format(self.t[0]))
print("Existing model agrees with the maximum delta time set to {}".format(dtmax))
else :
k = 0 #count number of parameters
kk = 0 #count number of model elements
for mod in self.mod:
if mod[0] in ('POLY','POLYNOMIAL'):
if mod[1]>=0:
print("Fix model at origin (i.e. polynomial term of order zero).")
print(" Consider it has already converged to a reliable value because {} > starting time ({})".format(dtmax,self.t[0]))
Cstindex = k
k += mod[1]+1
elif mod[0] == 'LISEG':
for i in range(2, len(mod)) :
if self.t[0] > mod[i] + dtmax :
print("Stop optimization of the linear segment from {}-{}".format(mod[i-1],mod[i]))
print("ERROR: code not optimized for this, nothing done")
k += len(mod[1:])+1
elif mod[0] in ('STEP','EARTHQUAKE','HEAVISIDE'):
kkk = [] #local count
for i in range(1, len(mod)) :
if self.t[0] > mod[i] + dtmax :
print("Remove event centered on {}".format(mod[1+i]))
elif mod[0] in ('COS','COSINE','SIN','SINE','EXP', 'EXPONENTIAL','LOG', 'LOGARITHM'):
k += 1 #all functions with a single parameter
elif mod[0] in ('HTAN'):
for i in range(1,len(mod),2):
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('Bsp', 'BSPLINE','Isp', 'ISPLINE'):
for i in range(2,len(mod),2):
k += 1
kk += 1
self.Cstindex = Cstindex
self.indexdel = indexdel
newmod = self.mod.copy()
for el in modeldel:
kk,kkk = el
#remove specified indexes
newtiming = [t for i,t in enumerate(self.mod[kk]) if i not in kkk]
newmod[kk] = tuple(newtiming)
#save new model
print("Define new model {}".format(newmod))
self.mod = newmod
[docs] def remove_oldstuff(self, m, P):
Require the outputs of identify_outdated()
* *m, P* : specify local state vector and covariance
if self.Cstindex is not None :
dY = 0.0 # shift of origin
for k in self.indexdel:
dY += m[k]
m = np.concatenate((m[:k],m[k+1:]))
P = np.delete(P,k,0) #row
P = np.delete(P,k,1) #column
# Shift and fix constant term
m[self.Cstindex] += dY
# Set variance and covariance to zero
P[self.Cstindex,:] = 0
P[:,self.Cstindex] = 0
else :
print("No outdated parameters identified. Model stay unchanged.")
return m, P
[docs] def comp_phase_shift(self, m, P=None):
Compute oscillation amplitude and phase shift with its variances
from amplitudes of cosine and sine terms with their variances.
* *m* : state vector containing at least all the model parameters (length > self.L)
* *P* : if error is known =P the state covariance (default None)'''
# Get index of sin and cos
indx_cos = None
indx_sin = None
freqs = []
k = 0
for mod in self.mod :
if mod[0] in ('POLY','POLYNOMIAL'):
k += mod[1]+1
if mod[0] == 'LISEG':
k += len(mod[:1])+1
elif mod[0] in ('COS','COSINE'):
indx_cos = k
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('SIN','SINE'):
indx_sin = k
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('STEP','EARTHQUAKE','HEAVISIDE'):
k += len(mod)-1
elif mod[0] in ('HTAN'):
k += (len(mod)-1)//2
elif mod[0] in ('EXP', 'EXPONENTIAL','LOG', 'LOGARITHM'):
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('Bsp', 'BSPLINE','Isp', 'ISPLINE'):
k += (len(mod)-2)//2
assert False, 'Functional form unknown: {}'.format(mod)
if (indx_cos and indx_sin) is None:
print("no 'SIN' and 'COS' inside model, phase shift not computed")
return m,P
if len(freqs)==2 and freqs[0]!=freqs[1]:
print("'SIN' and 'COS' don't have same frequencies")
return m,P
# Copy m
m_out = np.copy(m)
#select indx in last dimension of ndim array using python Ellipsis
b = m[...,indx_sin]
a = m[...,indx_cos]
sine_amp = np.sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
phase_shift = np.arctan(a/b)
m_out[...,indx_sin] = sine_amp
m_out[...,indx_cos] = phase_shift
#error propagation if known (P !=None)
if type(P) == type(None) :
P_out = None
else :
#careful deal with variance directly not uncertainty
P_out = np.copy(P)
sb = P[...,indx_sin,indx_sin]
sa = P[...,indx_cos,indx_cos]
phase_shift_err = (a**2*sb +b**2*sa)/((a**2+b**2)**2)
sine_amp_err = (a**2*sa +b**2*sb)/(a**2+b**2)
P_out[...,indx_sin,indx_sin] = sine_amp_err
P_out[...,indx_cos,indx_cos] = phase_shift_err
return m_out, P_out
[docs] def get_label(self, L, unit, tunit='day', phase=False):
Get an array of labels for each model parameters (name and units)
which can be used for plotting
* *L* : number of parameters
* *unit* : string of length unit
* *tunit* : string of time unit
* *phase* : True if sine and cosine amplitudes converted into \
sine amplitude and phase shift '''
label = [None]*L
k = 0
for mod in self.mod :
if mod[0] in ('POLY','POLYNOMIAL'):
label[k] = 'Offset\n (%s)'%unit
k += 1
if mod[1] >= 1:
label[k] = 'Velocity\n $(%s/day)$'%unit
k += 1
if mod[1] >= 2:
for i in range(2,mod[1]+1):
label[k] = 'Polynomial coef.\n $(mm/day^%d)$'%i
k += 1
elif mod[0] == 'LISEG':
label[k] = 'Offset\n (%s)'%unit
k +=1
for i in range(1,len(mod)):
if i < len(mod)-1:
label[k] = "Velocity from {}\n to {} $({}/day)$".format(mod[i],mod[i+1],unit)
else :
label[k] = "Velocity from {}\n to {} $({}/day)$".format(mod[i],self.t[-1],unit)
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('COS','COSINE'):
if phase== True:
label[k] = 'Phase shift\n '
k += 1
else :
label[k] = 'Amplitude of cosine\n (%s)'%unit
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('SIN','SINE'):
label[k] = 'Amplitude of sine\n (%s)'%unit
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('STEP','EARTHQUAKE','HEAVISIDE'):
for tmp in range(len(mod)-1):
label[k] = 'Amplitude of quake\n (%s)'%unit
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('HTAN','Isp', 'ISPLINE'):
for tmp in range((len(mod)-1)//2):
label[k] = 'Amplitude of slow slip\n (%s)'%unit
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('EXP', 'EXPONENTIAL'):
label[k] = 'Amplitude of exponential\n (%s)'%unit
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('LOG', 'LOGARITHM'):
label[k] = 'Amplitude of logarithm\n (%s)'%unit
k += 1
elif mod[0] in ('Bsp', 'BSPLINE'):
for tmp in range((len(mod)-2)//2):
label[k] = 'Amplitude of bspline\n (%s)'%unit
k += 1
assert False, 'Functional form unknown: {}'.format(mod)
return label
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# PRIVATE FUNCTIONS out of class
# (no common parameters as time may be full array or one value)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def _step(t,qtime):
Generate step function(s) of x centred on qtime(s)
y= 0 before event(x<quake_time) otherwise y=+1 (y of len t)
* x : time array (array/list)
* qtime : list of times at which earthquakes occur (array/list)'''
if len(qtime)==0 :
y = np.zeros(len(t))
print('no earthquake time, empty list')
elif len(qtime)==1 :
#heaviside allows for y=1 at t=quake_time
y = np.heaviside(t-qtime,1.)
else : #output is 2D (len(sst) x len(x))
y = np.array([np.heaviside(t-qt,1.) for qt in qtime])
return y
def _htan(t,sst,ss_dt):
Model slow slip event as hyperbolic tangent (smoothed step function)
drawback : non-zero value far from event
* x : single time or array of times
* sst : centre of the function (float or 1D array)
* ss_dt : width or extend of the smoothing (float)'''
if len(sst)==0 :
s = np.zeros(len(t))
print('no slowslip time, empty list')
elif len(sst)==1 :
s = 0.5 +0.5*np.tanh((t-sst)/ss_dt)
else :
s = np.array([0.5 +0.5*np.tanh((t-time)/dt) for time,dt in zip(sst,ss_dt)])
return s
def _bspline(t, order, center, dtk, normalise=True):
Uniform b-splines for the time vector
Can deal with several splines at once (center and dtk of same size)
* t : must be an array for normalisation
* order : Order (integer)
* center : Center of the spline (array/list)
* dtk : Half-width (array/list)'''
# Time
if len(center)==1 : #one event
x = (t-center)/dtk + order + 1
else : #several events
x = np.array([(t-ctr)/dt +order +1 for ctr,dt in zip(center,dtk)])
# Check order
if not np.mod(order,2): #if order pair remove 0.5 to time
x -= 0.5
# Iterate over order
b = np.zeros(np.shape(x))
for k in range(order+2):
m = x-k-(order+1)/2
up = m**(order)
b += ((-1)**k)*nCk(order+1,k)*up*(m>=0)
if normalise==False:
return b
if len(center)==1:
b_norm = b/np.nanmax(b)
else :
b_norm = np.array([bb/np.nanmax(bb) for bb in b])
# All done
return b_norm
def _ispline(t, order, center, dtk, normalise=True):
Uniform integrated b-splines
Can deal with several splines at once (center and dtk of same size)
* t : must be an array for normalisation
* order : Order (integer)
* center : Center of the i-spline (array/list)
* dtk : Half-width (array/list)'''
# Time
if len(center)==1 : #one event
x = (t-center)/dtk + order + 1
else : #severalevents
x = np.array([(t-ctr)/dt +order +1 for ctr,dt in zip(center,dtk)])
# Check order
if not np.mod(order,2): #if order pair remove 0.5 to time
x -= 0.5
# Iterate
b = np.zeros(np.shape(x))
for k in range(order+2):
m = x-k-(order+1)/2
up = m**(order+1)
b += ((-1)**k)*nCk(order+1,k)*up*(m>=0)
if normalise==False:
return b
if len(center)==1 :
b_norm = b/np.nanmax(b)
else :
b_norm = np.array([bb/np.nanmax(bb) for bb in b])
# All done
return b_norm
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Combinatorial
def nCk(n,k):
'''Combinatorial function.'''
c = factorial(n)/(factorial(n-k)*factorial(k)*1.0)
return c
def fault_vel_2D(x, y, xxx_todo_changeme):
'''compute the sign of velocity on each side of
a fault trace with equation ax+by-c=0 '''
(a, b, c) = xxx_todo_changeme
if (isinstance(x,float) or isinstance(x,int)) :
vel = 1.0
if a*x+b*y <= c:
vel = -1.0
else : #(x,y) arrays from meshgrid
vel = np.ones(np.shape(x))
vel[a*x+b*y <= c] = -1.0
return vel