# Create interferograms, reshape for Kalman filter
# For 1D and 2D synthetic testing
# works in python 2.7 and 3.6
#Date : July-Nov 2018
#Author : Manon Dalaison
#global import
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import numpy as np
#Local import
from kf.timefunction import TimeFct
from kf.utils.generateRnAtmo import generateAtmo
[docs]class SynteticKF(object):
def __init__(self, time):
Class to initialise synthetic InSAR data to use with the Kalman Filter.
It mirrors the functions of the class ``kf.readinput.SetupKF``
used for real observations.
* time : array
aquisitions times
self.time = time
self.date = time
self.orddates = time
#useless parameter here, only to match MPI with real data
self.rank = 0
self.miny = 0
[docs] def create_timeseries(self, model, m_r, sig_y, origintime=0.0, atmo=False):
Create synthetic time series
* model : list of tuples
a model with the appropriate shape for the class TimeFct
* m_r : array/list
multiplicating factors for each element of the functional model
* sig_y : float
std of noise on time series
* origintime : float, optional
specify initial time if not zero
* atmo : boolean, optional
add atmospheric noise? works for 2D only
* the reference phases (without noise)
* the noisy phases
* the array of reference parameters with sin and cos amplitudes
transformed into amplitude and phase shift of oscillation
#N = len(self.time) #number of dates
#L = len(m_r) #number of parameters
m_r = np.array(m_r)
fct = TimeFct(self.time, model, origintime=origintime)
m_ph,tmp = fct.comp_phase_shift(m_r)
Ref = fct.draw_model(m_r)
Phas = Ref +np.random.normal(0,sig_y,np.shape(Ref))
if Ref.ndim > 1 :
if atmo :
#Add atmospheric noise to acquisitions
atmnoise = generateAtmo((Ref.shape[1],Ref.shape[0]),\
Phas += atmnoise
# Set first phase to Zero
shift = -Phas[...,0]
m_r[...,0] = shift
m_ph[...,0] = shift
if (isinstance(shift,float) or isinstance(shift,int)):
Phas += shift
Ref += shift
elif shift.ndim == 2 :
phas = [Phas[:,:,i]+shift for i in range(np.shape(Phas)[-1])]
ref = [Ref[:,:,i]+shift for i in range(np.shape(Ref)[-1])]
Phas = np.transpose(phas, (1,2,0)) #put back defo on last index
Ref = np.transpose(ref, (1,2,0))
else :
assert False, "Format not understood"+ str(shift)
self.ref, self.phase = Ref, Phas
return self.ref, self.phase, m_ph
[docs] def create_interfero(self, rr, sig_i, t_sep=5, perp_dist=200, fmt='diag'):
Create interferograms for synthetic phases with temporal and
perpendicular baseline constraints.
* rr : float
variance in data (std**2)
* sig_i : float
std of noise on phase differences
* t_sep : integer, optional
time separation allowed
* perp_dist : float, optional
separation of perp baseline (generated randomly with std 200) authorise
* fmt : string, optional
define format of matrix R ('diag','common_dates','num_links')
* interferograms (difference of phases)
* covariance matrix of interferograms
* the matrix of links between phases (# interf x # functional parameters and phases)
Links = []
self.pair = []
N = len(self.time)
self.max_tsep = t_sep
# Generate synthetic perpendicular baseline
self.bperp = np.random.normal(0,200,N)
for k in range(0,N):
for j in range(0,k):
if abs(k-j) <= t_sep : #timesep diff max
dist = abs(self.bperp[k]-self.bperp[j])
if dist <= perp_dist : #if dist between tracks not too big
H_line = np.zeros(N)
H_line[k] = 1
H_line[j] = -1
if len(Links) == 0 :
Links = [H_line]
else :
Links = np.vstack((Links,H_line))
'''# Add long-temporal connections
i = 20 #start at phase ...
i_amp = 20 #go back by ... dt
i_step = 10 #every ... dt
while i < Links.shape[1] :
new_interf = np.zeros(Links.shape[1])
new_interf[i] = 1
new_interf[i-i_amp] = -1
Links = np.vstack((Links,new_interf))
i += i_step '''
# To set first phase to zero
self.links = Links
#self.links[:,0] = 0
self.pair = np.array(self.pair)
# Build interferograms
if self.phase.ndim == 1 :
interf= np.dot(self.links,self.phase) \
+ np.random.normal(0,sig_i,np.shape(self.links)[0])
if self.phase.ndim == 3 :
ny,nx = self.phase.shape[:2]
self.phase = np.reshape(self.phase,(ny*nx,len(self.time)))
interf = [np.dot(self.links,self.phase[j,:]) for j in range(nx*ny)] \
#reshape interferograms
self.igram = np.reshape(interf.T,(interf.shape[-1],ny,nx))
#save dimensions
self.Nx,self.Ny,self.Ntot = nx, ny, ny
#All done
return interf, self.R, self.links
[docs] def build_R(self,rr,fmt):
* rr : float
variance (std**2) in observation (=interferograms) noise (float)
* fmt : string
define format of matrix R ('diag','common_dates','num_links')
pair = self.pair
N = np.shape(self.links)[0]
R = np.zeros((N,N))
if fmt =='diag':
R = rr*np.eye(N)
elif fmt =='common_dates':
R[-1,-1] = rr
for j in range(0,N):
for q in range(0,N):
R[q,j] = 1/2.*rr*(kdelta(pair[q][0],pair[j][0])
R[j,q] = R[q,j] #symmetry
elif fmt == 'num_links':
indx = np.sort(pair.flatten()).tolist()
dic = {x:indx.count(x) for x in indx}
rrs = rr*np.max(list(dic.values())) /np.array(list(dic.values())) #the more connection, the smaller the uncertainty
for j in range(0,N):
for q in range(0,N):
R[q,j] = rrs[pair[j][0]]*(kdelta(pair[q][0],pair[j][0]) \
-kdelta(pair[q][1],pair[j][0])) \
+rrs[pair[j][1]]*(kdelta(pair[q][1],pair[j][1]) \
R[j,q] = R[q,j] #symmetry
else :
assert False,'do not understand format (fmt) of R'
self.R = R
[docs] def get_interf_pairs(self):
OBSOLETE as use pairs (15/10/2018) ?
extract indices of phases substracted together to build interfero
* imoins : indice of phases substracted to iplus (M)
* iplus : indices of phases added (M)
Connect = np.array([[np.flatnonzero(self.links[i,:]==-1.)[0], \
np.flatnonzero(self.links[i,:]== 1.)[0]] for i in range(self.links.shape[0])])
self.imoins = Connect[:,0].astype(int)
self.iplus = Connect[:,1].astype(int)
[docs] def slice_data(self,N_new):
Slice previously generated array (Optional)
(keeps same sequence of random numbers)
self.time = self.time[:N_new]
self.ref, self.phase = self.ref[:N_new],self.phase[:N_new]
#self.bperp = self.bperp[:N_new]
return self.time, self.ref, self.phase
def kdelta(i,j):
'''kronecker delta function'''
if i == j :
return 1.0
else :
return 0.0