import scipy.fftpack as fftw
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.spatial.distance as scidis
np.random.seed(46) # fix random sequence generated
[docs]def generateAtmo(shape,sigma,lamb,nt=1):
Generate synthetic atmospheric noise as the convolution
of a white noise and a decreasing exponential.
* shape : integer or tuple of integers
shape of 2D spatial grid
* sigma : float
std of noise on one snapchot (e.g. 1.)
* lamb : float
spatial wavelength (e.g. 30.)
* nt : integer, optional
number of time snapchots
Returns noise map(s) with shape (shape,nt) if nt>1
if (isinstance(shape,float) or isinstance(shape,int)):
#square grid
shape = int(shape)
Nx,Ny = shape,shape
elif len(shape) == 2:
#rectangular grid
Nx,Ny = shape[0],shape[1]
else :
assert False,"format of shape not understood"
# Generate white noise
if nt == 1: #one image of noise to produce
white = np.random.rand(Ny,Nx)
elif nt > 1:
white = np.random.rand(Ny,Nx,nt)
else :
assert False, "cannot determine the number of temporal snapchots"
# Generate correl
yv,xv = np.meshgrid(list(range(1,Ny+1)), list(range(1,Nx+1)), indexing='ij')
distances = np.min(scidis.cdist(np.stack((yv.flatten(),xv.flatten())).T, \
np.array([[1,1], [1,Nx], [Ny,Nx], [Ny,1]])).reshape((Ny,Nx,4)), axis=2)
correl = np.exp(-distances/lamb)
if nt > 1:
correl = np.repeat(correl[:, :, np.newaxis], nt, axis=2)
# FFT it
fwhite = fftw.fft2(white,axes=[0,1])
fcorrel = fftw.fft2(correl,axes=[0,1])
noise = np.real(fftw.ifft2(fwhite*fcorrel,axes=[0,1]))
# Rescale
if nt == 1:
noise = sigma*(noise-np.mean(noise))/np.std(noise)
if nt > 1 :
noise = np.array([sigma*(noise[...,i]-np.mean(noise[...,i]))/np.std(noise[...,i]) for i in range(nt)])
noise = np.transpose(noise,(1,2,0))
return noise
# noise = generateAtmo((100,50),2.,5.,nt=10)
# fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,3)
# img0 = ax[0].pcolormesh(noise[...,0])
# img1 = ax[1].pcolormesh(noise[...,1])
# img2 = ax[2].pcolormesh(noise[...,8])
# fig.colorbar(img0, ax=ax[0])
# fig.colorbar(img1, ax=ax[1])
# fig.colorbar(img2, ax=ax[2])