# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Read and Prepare data for KFTS
# Heavily inspired by GIAnT v1.0 (P. Agram & R. Jolivet)
# Construct H5 files containing interfero
# and auxiliary files :
# lon.flt, lat.flt, inc.flt, head.flt, hgt.flt
# Manon Dalaison
# Sept 2022
import numpy as np
import os
import h5py
import datetime as dt
import time as TIME
import kf.utils.tsio as ts
#import kfts
# To Parametrize
import configparser
import argparse
from ast import literal_eval
# Only for deramping
from matplotlib import path
import scipy.linalg
[docs]class GetConfig(object):
Class to run read config file and keep everything in object
def __init__(self, configfile):
config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation = configparser.ExtendedInterpolation())
secIN = config['INPUT']
self.loc = secIN.get('workdir', fallback='./')
self.baselinedir = self.loc + secIN.get('baselinedir', fallback='')
self.igramsdir = self.loc + secIN.get('igramsdir', fallback='')
self.unwfmt = secIN.get('unwfmt', fallback='ISCE')
#optional arguments, None otherwise
self.lonfile = secIN.get('lonfile', fallback=None)
self.latfile = secIN.get('latfile', fallback=None)
self.losfile = secIN.get('losfile', fallback=None)
self.demfile = secIN.get('demfile', fallback=None)
if self.lonfile is not None:
self.lonfile = os.path.join(self.loc,self.lonfile)
if self.latfile is not None:
self.latfile = os.path.join(self.loc,self.latfile)
if self.losfile is not None:
self.losfile = os.path.join(self.loc,self.losfile)
if self.demfile is not None:
self.demfile = os.path.join(self.loc,self.demfile)
ilistfile = secIN.get('ilistfile',fallback='')
clistfile = secIN.get('clistfile',fallback='')
listfile = os.path.join(self.loc, ilistfile)
if os.path.isfile(listfile):
print("Will load interferograms listed in",listfile )
self.ilist = np.genfromtxt(listfile, dtype=str)
else :
print("WARNING : Could not find predefined list of interferograms",listfile)
self.ilist = None
secOU = config['OUTPUT']
self.verbose = secOU.getboolean('verbose', fallback = False)
self.outdir = secOU.get('outdir', fallback='./')
self.outfile = self.outdir + secOU.get('outfile', fallback ='PROC-STACK.h5')
if self.verbose:
print("Input directory is {}, output directory is {}".format(self.loc,self.outdir))
secPA = config['PARAMETERS']
self.ylen = secPA.getint('ylen',fallback=0)
self.xlen = secPA.getint('xlen',fallback=0)
self.yreflim = literal_eval(secPA.get('yreflim',fallback = (0,0)))
self.xreflim = literal_eval(secPA.get('xreflim',fallback = (0,0)))
self.ylim = literal_eval(secPA.get('ylim',fallback = (0,-1)))
self.xlim = literal_eval(secPA.get('xlim',fallback = (0,-1)))
self.cthresh = secPA.getfloat('cthresh',fallback=0.0)
assert (self.cthresh >=0.0) & (self.cthresh <1.0), "Coherence threshold must be between 0 and 1"
if self.cthresh > 0.0 :
listfile = os.path.join(self.loc, clistfile)
if os.path.isfile(listfile):
print("Will load coherence maps listed in",listfile )
self.clist = np.genfromtxt(listfile, dtype=str)
else :
print("WARNING : Could not find predefined list of coherence maps",listfile)
self.clist = None
self.deramp = secPA.getboolean('deramp', fallback=False)
if self.deramp:
#Apex of polygon defining the reference region for deramping
self.dref = literal_eval(secPA.get('rampzone',fallback=[(0,0)]))
# wavelength (in meters) or sensor
self.wvl = secPA.get('wavelength',fallback='S1')
if self.wvl == 'S1':
self.wvl = 0.05546576 #number from master/IW1.xml in ISCE as radarwavelength
print("Assume Sentinel 1 sensor")
elif isinstance(literal_eval(self.wvl),float) :
print("Sensor wavelength defined to {} METERS".format(self.wvl))
else :
assert False, "Format of wavelength parameter not understood"
# List for changing endianness. Possible Entries:UNW,COR,DEM,LAT,LON,INC,MASK
self.endianlist = literal_eval(secPA.get('endianlist',fallback=[]))
#End of Class
#Create IFG list
[docs]def getPairs(igramsDir):
Get the two dates of each interferogram
produced by ISCE, in Igram directory.'''
# Get pairs
dates1,dates2 = [], []
print("Get Dates from directory names in {}".format(igramsDir))
for dirs in os.listdir(igramsDir):
if os.path.isdir(igramsDir+'/'+dirs) and (len(dirs)==17) and (dirs[8]=='_'):
di1 = dirs[0:8]
di2 = dirs[9:17]
# All done
return np.array(dates1), np.array(dates2)
[docs]def getBaselines(baselineDir, masterDate):
'''Get baseline values from baseline files.'''
# Initialize lists
baselineFiles = []
datestrings = []
dateList = []
baselineList = []
# List all baseline files
print("Looking for baselines in",baselineDir)
for dates in os.listdir(baselineDir):
dirs = os.path.join(baselineDir,dates)
if os.path.isdir(dirs):
for fil in os.listdir(dirs):
if fil.endswith('.txt'):
if os.stat(os.path.join(dirs,fil)).st_size != 0: # file not empty
print("found {} baseline files".format(len(datestrings)))
# Calculate baseline
for i in range(len(baselineFiles)):
# Get date 1 and 2 of the pair
baselineFile = baselineFiles[i]
datestring = datestrings[i]
dp2 = datestring[9:17]
# Read by line
linestring = open(baselineFile, 'r').read()
# Initialize swath baselines list
Bp = []
# Get baseline of the first swath
Bpiw1 = linestring.split('\n')[1]
Bpiw1 = float(Bpiw1[17:31])
# Get the second swath baseline if exists
if linestring.split('\n')[3]:
Bpiw2 = linestring.split('\n')[4]
Bpiw2 = float(Bpiw2[17:31])
# Get the third baseline swath
if linestring.split('\n')[6]:
Bpiw3 = linestring.split('\n')[7]
Bpiw3 = float(Bpiw3[17:31])
# Calculate mean
Bperp = np.mean(Bp)
# Add master to lists
dateList = ["{}".format(masterDate)] + dateList
baselineList = np.concatenate((np.array([0.00]), baselineList))
# Transform lists into arrays
return np.array(dateList), np.array(baselineList)
[docs]def save2file(dates1, dates2, outfile, dateList = None, baselineList = None, satnameList = None):
Save baselines to a file.
It can be used for GIAnT time series analysis.
if baselineList is not None:
# Initialize list
bp_couple = []
# Get baseline of the pair
for i in range(0,len(dates1),1):
dt1_ind=np.where(dateList == dates1[i])
dt2_ind=np.where(dateList == dates2[i])
bp = str(baselineList[dt1_ind] - baselineList[dt2_ind])
if len(bp.strip("[]"))==0 :
else :
# Prepare data for saving
dates1List = np.array(dates1)
dates2List = np.array(dates2)
bp_coupleList = np.array(bp_couple)
#satnameList = ['S1']*(len(dates1))
alldata = (np.array([dates1List, dates2List, bp_coupleList])).T
np.savetxt(outfile, alldata, fmt=['%s','%s','%s'], delimiter=' ')
else :
alldata = np.column_stack((np.array(dates1), np.array(dates2)))
np.savetxt(outfile, alldata, fmt=['%s','%s'], delimiter=' ')
#Find path of interferograms
[docs]def makefnames(dirname, dates1,dates2):
Generates paths to the files needed for creating the stack.
.. Args:
* dates1 - Date of master
* dates2 - Date of slave
.. Returns:
* iname - Path to the unwrapped interferogram
* cname - Path to the coherence file'''
if os.path.exists('%s/%s_%s/filt_ECMWF_ERA-5_fine_corrected.unw'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)):
iname = '%s/%s_%s/filt_ECMWF_ERA-5_fine_corrected.unw'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)
cname = '%s/%s_%s/filt_ECMWF_ERA-5_fine.cor'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)
elif os.path.exists('%s/%s_%s/filt_ECMWF_ERA-5_fine.unw'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)):
print('No unwrapping error correction for dates: {}-{}'.format(dates1,dates2))
iname = '%s/%s_%s/filt_ECMWF_ERA-5_fine.unw'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)
cname = '%s/%s_%s/filt_ECMWF_ERA-5_fine.cor'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)
elif os.path.exists('%s/%s_%s/filt_fine.unw'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)):
print('No atmospheric corection for dates: {}-{}'.format(dates1,dates2))
iname = '%s/%s_%s/filt_fine.unw'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)
cname = '%s/%s_%s/filt_fine.cor'%(dirname,dates1,dates2)
else :
print('No igram detected for dates: {}-{}'.format(dates1,dates2))
return iname,cname
[docs]class BuildStack(object):
''' Quick class to deal with stack of interferogram'''
def __init__(self,verbose,ylims,xlims):
self.verbose = verbose
self.ylims = ylims
self.xlims = xlims
if verbose:
print("Initialize stack")
[docs] def datenum(self, datelist):
'''Converts list of dates in yymmdd/yyyymmdd format to ordinal array.'''
Uts = np.zeros(len(datelist))
for k in range(len(datelist)):
dint = int(datelist[k])
if dint < 1e7:
dint = dint+2e7
yy = int(dint/10000)
mm = int((dint - yy*10000)/100)
dd = int(dint-(yy*10000+mm*100))
dstr = dt.date(yy,mm,dd)
Uts[k] = dstr.toordinal()
return Uts
[docs] def ConnectMatrix(self, dates):
Gets the connectivity matrix for given set of IFGs.
* dates -> List of pairs of strings
* Uts -> Unique dates of acquisitions
* connMat -> Connectivity matrix (1,-1,0)'''
Nifg = dates.shape[0]
scenes = np.zeros((Nifg*2),dtype=('str',16))
scenes[:] = np.hstack((dates[:,0],dates[:,1]))
#####Get unique date
uscenes = np.unique(scenes)
Nsar = uscenes.shape[0]
Uts = np.zeros(Nsar)
######Convert to ordinal
Uts = self.datenum(uscenes) #ordinal dates
ind = np.argsort(Uts) #Increasing order of time
uscenes = uscenes[ind]
if dates.dtype != uscenes.dtype: #check if bytes
ConnMat = np.zeros((Nifg,Nsar))
for k in range(Nifg):
mind = np.where((uscenes == dates[k,0]))
sind = np.where((uscenes == dates[k,1]))
ConnMat[k,mind[0]] = 1.0
ConnMat[k,sind[0]] = -1.0
Uts = Uts[ind]
self.Jmat = ConnMat
self.days = Uts
[docs] def referenceIgram(self,phs):
''' remove for each single 2D interfero phs'''
Ry0,Ry1 = self.ylims
Rx0,Rx1 = self.xlims
#Compute reference phase
sub = phs[Ry0:Ry1,Rx0:Rx1]
refph = np.nanmean(sub)
if np.isnan(refph):
if not np.isnan(np.nanmean(phs[Ry0-10:Ry1+10,Rx0-10:Rx1+10])):
print("Reference region is empty, expand by 10x10")
refph = np.nanmean(phs[Ry0-10:Ry1+10,Rx0-10:Rx1+10])
elif np.isnan(np.nanmean(phs)):
raise ValueError('Interferogram is empty (all zeros).')
else :
raise ValueError('Reference region has no pixels.')
phs = phs - refph
phs = phs.astype(np.float32)
return phs
def buildAmat(self,Nxy,x,y):
if self.poly==1:
A = np.ones(Nxy)
elif self.poly==3:
A = np.column_stack((np.ones(Nxy),x,y))
elif self.poly==4:
A = np.column_stack((np.ones(Nxy),x,y,x*y))
return A
[docs] def findramp(self, phs,mask):
Estimate the best-fitting ramp parameters for a matrix.
* phs - Input unwrapped phase matrix.
* mask - Mask of reliable values.
* poly - Integer flag for type of correction.
1 - Constant
3 - Plane
4 - Plane + cross term
* ramppoly - Polynomial corresponding to the rank'''
#On masked grid
[ii,jj] = np.where((mask != 0) & np.isfinite(phs))
y = ii/(1.0 *self.ny)
x = jj/(1.0 *self.nx)
gval = phs[ii,jj] #Good values
A = self.buildAmat(len(ii),x,y)
ramp = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A,gval, cond=1.0e-8)
ramppoly = ramp[0]
return ramppoly
[docs] def removeramp(self, phs,ramppoly):
Deramp a matrix with the given ramp polynomial.
.. Args:
* phs Input matrix
* ramppoly Ramp polynomial
.. Returns:
* dphs Deramped phase matrix.'''
#On full grid
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.nx)*1.0,np.arange(self.ny)*1.0)
X = X.flatten()/(self.nx*1.0)
Y = Y.flatten()/(self.ny*1.0)
assert self.poly == len(ramppoly), ""
A = self.buildAmat(self.ny*self.nx,X,Y)
dphs = np.dot(-A,ramppoly)
del A
mask = (phs == 0.0) #save where zeros as NaN
dphs = np.reshape(dphs,(self.ny,self.nx))
dphs = phs + dphs
dphs[mask] = 0.0
return dphs
[docs] def deramp(self, data, out, network=True, poly=3, dref=[(0,0)]):
Network deramping of the stack of interferograms. Used when no GPS
is available.
* data Input stack object (interferograms)
* out Output stack object (dataset will be overwritten)
* network Network deramping or individual deramping
* poly Polynomial code for deramping
* dref Coordinates of points delimiting a polygon taken
as the reference region for estimating a ramp
(list of 2-tuple) '''
self.nslice,self.ny,self.nx = data.shape
self.poly = poly
# Define reference region for deramping
if len(dref) < 3 :
# not enough points
# means all interfero as reference for deramping
maskref = np.ones((self.ny,self.nx))
elif len(dref) >= 3 and type(dref[0])==tuple :
# polygon of reference
polygon = path.Path(dref)
#geometry of data
xv,yv = np.meshgrid(np.array(list(range(self.nx))),np.array(list(range(self.ny))))
#create mask for ref
maskref = polygon.contains_points(np.hstack((xv.flatten()[:,np.newaxis],yv.flatten()[:,np.newaxis])))
maskref = np.reshape(maskref,(self.ny,self.nx))
else :
assert False, "Points defining reference zone for deramping should be a list of 2-tuples"
# Get Ramp parameter for each interferogram
ramparr = np.zeros((self.nslice, poly))
if self.verbose:
print("Get ramp for each interferogram")
for kkk in range(self.nslice):
dat = data[kkk, :, :]
dat[dat==0.0] = np.nan
mask = np.isfinite(dat)
masktmp = mask *maskref
ramp = self.findramp(dat, masktmp)
ramparr[kkk, :] = ramp
if network:
if self.verbose:
print("Check network consistency")
jmat = self.Jmat
umat, svec, vmat = np.linalg.svd(jmat, compute_uv=1,
rnk = np.linalg.matrix_rank(jmat)
svec[rnk:] = 0.
jtilde = np.dot(umat, np.dot(np.diag(svec), vmat))
jmat = np.diag(np.ones(self.nslice))
jtilde = jmat.copy()
jinv = scipy.linalg.pinv(jtilde)
sarramp = np.dot(jinv, ramparr)
rampest = np.dot(jmat, sarramp)
del ramparr
del sarramp
del jtilde
if self.verbose:
print('Apply network deramp for each interferogram')
for kkk in range(self.nslice):
ramp = self.removeramp(data[kkk, :, :], rampest[kkk, :])
out[kkk, :, :] = self.referenceIgram(ramp)
return out
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get inline config file name
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Collect and prepare data for InSAR TSA')
parser.add_argument('-c', type=str, dest = 'config', default = None,
help = 'Specify INI config file containing at least sections INPUT,OUTPUT,PARAMETERS')
argparser = parser.parse_args()
while (not argparser.config):
print('Please choose a config file')
# extract content of config and store in class
args = GetConfig(argparser.config)
# Get master date
baselineName = os.listdir(args.baselinedir)[1]
masterDate = baselineName.split("_",2)[0]
# Get date pairs and baselines
dates1, dates2 = getPairs(args.igramsdir)
# Get baselines and save to txt
if args.baselinedir is not None:
dateList, baselineList = getBaselines(args.baselinedir, masterDate)
save2file(dates1, dates2, "Ifg_dates_baselines.txt", dateList, baselineList)
else :
print('Baseline directory not defined, will not keep track of baselines')
save2file(dates1, dates2, "Ifg_dates.txt")
# Load function to find interferogram file properly
dates = np.hstack((dates1[:,None],dates2[:,None]))
# Spatial definitions
flen,fwid = args.ylen,args.xlen #former shape
x0,x1 = args.xlim
y0,y1 = args.ylim
nlen,nwid = y1-y0, x1-x0 #new shape
if args.verbose:
print("Spatially Resize all interferograms from {} to {}".format((flen,fwid),(nlen,nwid)))
print("Reference zone along Y {} and X {}".format(args.yreflim,args.xreflim))
stack = BuildStack(args.verbose,args.yreflim,args.xreflim)
Nifg, Nsar = stack.Jmat.shape
nIslands = np.min(stack.Jmat.shape) - np.linalg.matrix_rank(stack.Jmat)
if args.verbose :
print('Number of interferograms = ', Nifg)
print('Number of unique SAR scenes = ', Nsar)
print('Number of connected components in network: ', nIslands)
if nIslands > 1:
print('WARNING: The network appears to contain disconnected components')
#######Setting first scene to reference.
tims = (stack.days-stack.days[0])/365.25 #conversion to years
#####Preparing for reading in IFGs.
outname = args.outfile
print('Output h5file:',outname)
if os.path.exists(outname):
print('Deleting previous',outname)
if args.deramp:
outtmp = os.path.join(args.outdir,"NODERAMP-STACK.h5")
if os.path.exists(outtmp):
if args.verbose:
print("open temporary H5file for storage of raw interferograms before deramping {}".format(outtmp))
ftmp = h5py.File(outtmp,"w")
ifgsraw = ftmp.create_dataset('igram',(Nifg,nlen,nwid),'f')
f = h5py.File(outname,"w")
f.attrs['help'] = 'All the raw data read from individual interferograms into a single location for fast access.'
ifgs = f.create_dataset('igram',(Nifg,nlen,nwid),'f')
ifgs.attrs['help'] = 'Unwrapped IFGs read straight from files.'
print('Reading in IFGs')
unwfmt = args.unwfmt
endianlist = args.endianlist
#Single sensor being used.
scl = 1000 *args.wvl/(4*np.pi) ####Converting to mm.
for k in range(10):
if args.ilist is None:
#####File names not provided as input
iname,cname = makefnames(args.igramsdir,dates[k,0],dates[k,1]) #cname may not exist at this stage
#####File names provided in input file
iname = args.ilist[k]
if args.cthresh > 0.0:
cname = args.clist[k]
if args.verbose:
print("Interferogram {}/{}: {} {}".format(k, Nifg, dates1[k], dates2[k]))
if unwfmt in ['GMT','GRD']:
phs = ts.load_grd(iname, shape=(flen,fwid))
elif unwfmt in ['ISCE','RMG', 'FLT']:
if unwfmt in ['ISCE','RMG']:
mapname = 'BIL' #Band Interleaved by Line adapted for ISCEstackS1
elif unwfmt=='FLT' :
mapname = 'BSQ' #Band Sequential
phs = ts.load_mmap(iname, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, map=mapname,
nchannels=2, channel=2, conv = ('UNW' in endianlist))
raise ValueError('Undefined format for unw files.')
if args.cthresh > 0.0: #Load only if needed
if unwfmt in ['GMT','GRD']:
cor = ts.load_grd(cname, shape=(flen,fwid))
elif unwfmt == 'ISCE':
cor = ts.load_mmap(cname, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, map='BIP',
nchannels=1, channel=1, conv = ('COR' in endianlist))
elif unwfmt == 'RMG':
cor = ts.load_mmap(cname, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, map='BIL',
nchannels=2, channel=2, conv = ('COR' in endianlist))
elif unwfmt == 'FLT':
cor = ts.load_mmap(cname, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose,map='BSQ',
conv = ('COR' in endianlist))
raise ValueError('Undefined format for cor files. Maybe different from UNW')
mask = np.ones((nlen,nwid))
if args.cthresh > 0.0:
# Coherence threshold
mask[cor[y0:y1,x0:x1] >= args.cthresh] = 1.0
mask[phs[y0:y1,x0:x1] == 0.0] = np.nan # zeros to NaN
phs = phs[y0:y1,x0:x1]*mask*scl # cut and convert to millimeters !!
#Reference and Save interferogram to HDF5 file
if args.deramp:
ifgsraw[k,:,:] = stack.referenceIgram(phs)
else :
ifgs[k,:,:] = stack.referenceIgram(phs)
#END iteration over interferograms
if args.latfile is not None :
if unwfmt in ['GMT']:
lat = ts.load_grd(args.latfile, shape=(flen,fwid))
lon = ts.load_grd(args.lonfile, shape=(flen,fwid))
else :
lat = ts.load_mmap(args.latfile, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, datatype=np.float64,
conv = ('LAT' in endianlist))
lon = ts.load_mmap(args.lonfile, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, datatype=np.float64,
conv = ('LON' in endianlist))
if args.verbose:
print("mean LAT", np.mean(lat))
print("mean LON", np.mean(lon))
lat = lat[y0:y1, x0:x1]
lon = lon[y0:y1, x0:x1]
lat = lat.astype(np.float32)
lon = lon.astype(np.float32)
#save in compact form into a Binary file
lout = open(os.path.join(args.outdir,"lat.flt"),'wb')
lout = open(os.path.join(args.outdir,"lon.flt"),'wb')
# READ and SAVE Line of Sight
if args.losfile is not None:
if unwfmt in ['GMT']:
ang = ts.load_grd(args.losfile, shape=(flen,fwid)) #### never tested
else :
ang = ts.load_mmap(args.losfile, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, datatype=np.float32,map='BIL',
nchannels=2, channel=1) # LOS incidence
azi = ts.load_mmap(args.losfile, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, datatype=np.float32,map='BIL',
nchannels=2, channel=2) # LOS azimuth
ang = ang[y0:y1, x0:x1]
ang = ang.astype(np.float32)
azi = azi[y0:y1, x0:x1]
azi = azi.astype(np.float32)
if args.verbose:
print("mean LOS incidence", np.mean(ang),np.std(ang))
print("mean LOS azimuth", np.mean(azi),np.std(azi))
print("save files inc.flt and azi.flt in ",args.outdir)
lout = open(os.path.join(args.outdir,"inc.flt"),'wb')
lout = open(os.path.join(args.outdir,"azi.flt"),'wb')
if args.demfile is not None:
if unwfmt == 'GMT':
hgt = ts.load_grd(args.demfile, shape=(flen,fwid))
elif unwfmt == 'ISCE': ## adapted for ISCEstackS1
hgt = ts.load_mmap(args.demfile, fwid, flen, datatype=np.float64, quiet=args.verbose, map='BIP',
nchannels=1, channel=1, conv = ('DEM' in endianlist))
elif unwfmt=='RMG':
hgt = ts.load_mmap(args.demfile, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, map='BIL',
nchannels=2, channel=2, conv = ('DEM' in endianlist))
elif unwfmt=='FLT':
hgt = ts.load_mmap(args.demfile, fwid, flen, quiet=args.verbose, map='BSQ',
conv = ('DEM' in endianlist))
raise ValueError('Unknown DEM format.')
hgt = hgt[y0:y1, x0:x1]
hgt = hgt.astype(np.float64)
if args.verbose:
print("DEM min, max", np.min(hgt),np.max(hgt))
print("save files hgt.rdr in ",args.outdir)
lout = open(os.path.join(args.outdir,"hgt.rdr"),'wb')
# Deramp interferograms
if args.deramp:
print("WARNING: deramping takes time")
if args.verbose:
if args.dref == [(0,0)]:
print("Deramping on whole interferogram's surface")
print("Points defining the polygon on which deramping is performed :",args.dref)
f = h5py.File(outname,"w")
f.attrs['help'] = 'All the raw data read from individual interferograms into a single location for fast access.'
ifgs = f.create_dataset('igram',(Nifg,nlen,nwid),'f')
ifgs.attrs['help'] = 'Unwrapped IFGs after deramping'
#Parse raw and deramp interferogram stacks as H5py dataset to save memory
stack.deramp(ifgsraw, ifgs, network=True, poly=3, dref=args.dref)
# Finilize storage
if args.baselinedir is not None:
g = f.create_dataset('bperp',data=np.array(baselineList))
g.attrs['help'] = 'Array of baseline[:]s.'
g = f.create_dataset('Jmat',data=stack.Jmat)
g.attrs['help'] = 'Connectivity matrix [-1,1,0]'
g = f.create_dataset('tims',data=tims)
g.attrs['help'] = ' Array of SAR acquisition times.'
g = f.create_dataset('dates',data=stack.days)
g.attrs['help'] = 'Ordinal[:]s of SAR acquisition dates.'